Bye bye 2016~!

Brussels Grand Place Christmas Tree

Another year has gone…

This post has been long overdue after almost 3 months into the new year now, while I’m still lingering on the reminiscence of 2016…

In 2016, I’d realised that I really love blogging and the whole social media aspects associated with my blog’s online presence so I got serious about growing it from merely a hobby. I bought my own domain, invested in some online courses, got involved with some Facebook support groups, and managed to drastically increase my blog’s exposure online. Furthermore, I focused and got better with my Instagram, which saw an increase of followers from 1.8k to 30k in just 8 months! My love for taking travel related pictures has finally paid off as I’d been approached for sponsored posts and media events. By the end of 2016, I had over 40k social media follows across all platforms and still going strong. That’s probably the highlight of the year overall.

Apart from that, travel remains robust with lots of travel plans across Asia and Europe. I went to Belgium for the first time in December and spent my 1st Christmas cum New Year in the UK. That experience was totally unique for this girl who grew up in Asia all her life. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see snow this around in Europe as I was secretly hoping for a white Christmas. I know I have an addiction to snow! On the other hand, work wise remains mundane as banking industry remains volatile due to the macro geopolitical issues across the globe.

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Brussels Grand Place Christmas Tree
So what’s next? I want to keep the blogging and social media momentum going strong in 2017 as well! I had just recently completed my move from Blogspot to self-hosted WordPress, revamped my website design and had to learn a new coding language on the fly as I try to optimise my blog. That’s quite a stressful move and I still have plenty of things to fix, so hopefully the end results would be worth it as I start monetizing my blog and social media accounts!Few items are high on my wishlist this year in 2017, I’m looking to replace my more than 4 years old laptop, another better camera (full frame maybe?) and also to put my relatively new GoPro Hero 5 to more good use. Travel plans for this year though are still quite sketchy as Big Teddy is in midst of transitioning into new things in life, hence a lot more uncertainties that will affect our travel plans. Nonetheless, Iceland is still very high on my

Few items are high on my wishlist this year in 2017, I’m looking to replace my more than 4 years old laptop, another better camera (full frame maybe?) and also to put my relatively new GoPro Hero 5 to more good use. Travel plans for this year though are still quite sketchy as Big Teddy is in midst of transitioning into new things in life, hence a lot more uncertainties that will affect our travel plans. Nonetheless, Iceland is still very high on my to-go list, as well as Bhutan, so I shall plan towards these 2 exotic destinations…2016 was overall a good year and I’m grateful for that. Life is good when I still get to travel, explore new things, staying healthy, with friends and family around me to keep me happy and sane. Hopefully, 2017 will be a better year and I’m certainly looking forward to all the new things and challenges coming my way!

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2016 was overall a good year and I’m grateful for that. Life is good when I still get to travel, explore new things, staying healthy, with friends and family around me to keep me happy and sane. Hopefully, 2017 will be a better year and I’m certainly looking forward to all the new things and challenges coming my way!

Do follow my adventures on Facebook here and Instagram here.


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