Paris 104 – Walking Around Paris Day 1

Since we arrive late in the evening in Paris and only wandered a little around our hotel looking for places for dinner. We saw the Moulin Rouge and some statues around Montmartre. The next day we started our journey to Arc de Triomphe, then to Eiffel Tower, and along the River Seine towards  Louvre and Pont des Arts Bridge (when the love locks were still allowed on the bridge). Here are some of the random pictures from our 1st 24 hours in Paris…


Walking Around Paris
The one and only Moulin Rouge
Statue near our hotel


Montmartre Cemetery
Bakery near hotel


Parisian Croissant
Parisian sandwich


Underground Metro
Some kind of street protest
Eiffel Tower from afar
Seine river cruise


More pictures of Eiffel Tower, Lourve and Pont des Arts Bridge coming up next…
For my other posts on Paris, please click here.
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