Beijing 149 – Hong Yuan Nan Men Shuan Rou (宏源南门涮肉)

Hong Yuan Nan Men Shuan Rou (宏源南门涮肉) just out side of the south gate of Temple of Heaven (天坛) is one of my favourite hot pot place in Beijing since my 1st visit in 2008 (my previous blog post here). It’s just a simple restaurant serving traditional hot pot in traditional bronze pots since 1994. This restaurant is a Chinese Muslim restaurant hence only mainly beef and lamb are served. My favourite part is always the sesame sauce used to dip the cooked meats before eating it. Our lunch costed about RMB291 for two which we left behind quite a bit of food because we were too greedy (over ordered as usual). Anyway hot pot is always a good choice during cold winter days in Beijing… 
The original outlet
Can you spot my favourite sesame sauce?
Food all over our table
Different cuts of lamb and beef
Address: China, Beijing, Dongcheng, Yongdingmen E St, (永定门东街东里13)
Tel: +86 10 6701 7030
Official Website (Chinese only):
For my other posts on Beijing, please click here.

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