Siem Reap 104 – Sampho’s Khmer Kitchen

Right in front of Srah Srang lake near Angkor Wat Temple, there is a row full of restaurants and we stopped by the family run restaurant by our tour guide, Sampho’s Khmer Kitchen. A quiet small little restaurant that serves the local food, i.e. Khmer food. Since there were only two of us, we only ordered the Amok fish and a chicken dish. The Amok fish is something different that we don’t usually get to try in Malaysia. According to Wikipedia, “Amok” refers to the process of steam cooking a curry in banana leaves with thick coconut gravy and galangal. Amok is a major national culinary tradition in Cambodia, which we were quickly fell in love with. The chicken was a bit bland to my taste, but the Amok fish did steal the show for that lunch. Price from USD5 onwards per dish. 
The Restaurant

Amok Fish

Lemongrass Chicken with Lime

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