
Party Weekend

Man I was drunk for the first time in my life over the weekend. Last Friday night I was running the whole day at Mandarin Oriental Hotel prepraring for the Annual Dinner & Dance on empty stomach. Later in the night, while my stomach is oh still empty, my Singaporean bosses didn’t let me go & kept drinking with me. I was also busy celebrating the closing of one big deal that was just accepted by my client for RM40m. Hence, along the way I lost track on how many glasses of whisky that I’ve bottom up. Before I knew anything, I was throwing up inside the ballroom. Thank goodness for my colleagues & friends who were there for me. They made sure that I sobered up before I left their sight. Luckily I got a room at Mandarin Oriental Hotel that night, else I’ll be in trouble. No more drinking for a while! (I’d say a week is a while)

After Makeup Before Hairdo After Makeup & Hairdo My Colleagues My Colleague & I

The next day, my BFF brought me to this Muay Thai Kick Boxing International Superfight at Shah Alam. It wasn’t my cup of tea but I went anyway cause FHM is throwing a party at Zouk after that. The tag line for the event was “Pain Guaranteed”, I wonder how true was that going to be. To our surprise there was an inner wear fashion runway show in the mid break of the Kicking Boxing event. Gosh all the hot bod guys looked so cute in their underwear, I wonder how many of them are gays, cause most of my hot bod model friends are gays too. We left right after the fashion show to Zouk KL, but the crowd at Zouk was horribly few. Seems like one of the guys was hitting on me but my mind was somewhere else. Soon later we found ourselves partying at Poppy Garden until 3 in the morning with another group of people. By the time I got home at 5 in the morning I was totally exhausted. No more party for a while! (I’d say a week is a while)

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