A Day’s Life As A Banker

0800 – 0815 Trying to get out of bed
0815 – 0900 Wash up, Makeup, Get dressed pretty
0900 – 0930 Getting to office (already 45 minutes late)
0930 – 1200 Emails, Making & answering phone calls, Checking on other people’s progress, Solving other people’s problems, Meeting old & new people
1200 – 1300 Lunch (sometimes outside sometimes at my desk)
1300 – 1900 Continue emails, Making & answering phone calls, Checking on other people’s progress, Solving other people’s problems, Meeting old & new people, Scolding other people or getting scolding from bosses/customers
1900 – 2400 Dinner, Hangout, Workout, Blogging, Tv, Day/night dreaming

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