Food For Thought 189 – myBurgerLab @ PJ Seapark

My ever searching for good burgers had led me to this newly opened burger joint in PJ Seapark (not far away from the famous Sunrise Duck Rice and Nasi Lemak Maybank Seapark). Last Sunday C and I drove all the way separately using our iPhone Google Map for early dinner. I reached the restaurant at 5.15pm and it was still quite empty as the restaurant had just opened for business at 5pm.

A very simple and no fuss burger joint with their menu hung on the wall. Although their menu weren’t extensive, we still had a little hard time to decide on what we wanted to eat (thank goodness the crowd wasn’t there yet). Since we were all beef lover, I chose the A+ Burger (RM15) and C chose her Beautiful Mess Burger (RM18), both of us added extra RM5 for fries and bottomless drink. This restaurant only accept cash term so remember to bring enough cash for their burgers, especially those who want to order more than one burger.

After we placed and paid for our orders, our burgers came swiftly as the waiter called out our names with the burgers in his hands (a personal touch I think cause they take your order by name).

Burgers Menu
Add-One and Sides Menu

I burst out laughing when I saw this at the cashier

The Crowd at 6pm

All burgers came with their signature black bun (made with charcoal
powder as explained by the boss), it was definitely catchy looking at
the black color bun (first time in my life actually). My A+ Burger came
with cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, shiitake mushroom, enoki mushrooms over an extremely juicy beef patty. Meanwhile, C’s Beautiful Mess came with fried portabella mushroom, sunny side up and mozzarella cheese over a juicy patty. Their portion is definitely smaller than the Daily Grind’s, but just nice for girls like us, and their taste is very different from the traditional burgers, with some asian twist added to it, like the enoki mushrooms. I loved their tender juicy beef patty, in fast it was the juiciest ever that I tasted in a long long time. Oh I also love their french fries too which seasoned with rosemary herbs (extremely yummy thick fries!). They even make their own hot sauce that came with the french fries instead of the normal chili sauce.    
My A+ burger
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C’s Beautiful Mess Burger
In the end, we had yet another satisfying dinner, and we were glad that we discovered this new place. Everything about myBurgerLab is fresh and young, you can see it from their menu, their staff, and also their crowd of customers. Keep up the good job and I will definitely come back for more~!
Tips: Come early to avoid the crowd! French fries is a must add-on item!

Official Facebook Page:
Address: No. 14, Jalan 21/22, Sea Park, Petaling Jaya.
Business Hour: 5pm-11pm (Tues-Sun); Closed on Monday

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