Siem Reap 106 – Angkor Thom’s Bayon Temple

After Ta Prohm, we went to this magnificent temple inside Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple. Built in the late12th century by King Jayavarman VII, Bayon is one of the most widely recognised temples in Cambodia because of the giant stone faces that adorn the towers of Bayon. According to Wikitravel, there are 54 towers of four faces each, totaling 216 faces. There is still a debate as to who is being depicted in the faces. It could be Avalokiteshvara, Mahayana Buddhism’s compassionate Bodhisattva, or perhaps a combination of King Jayavarman VII and Buddha, which is still remain in debates. 
I personally likde this temple a lot due to the unique face craving all over the temple. It was very different from the other temple and in terms of its craftsmanship, also it was pretty well maintained, although it was not as big as the Angkor Wat temple. The temple was quite flat and not too hard to walk around. 
For some reasons some of my pictures are a little over exposed under the bright sun light, partly because I was still new with my Sony NEX 5N then. Still I hope the pictures below did showcase some of the best side of the Bayon temple.  
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