Another Scary Day in Tianjin

I started wonder why bad things keep happening to me lately… On last friday as I went to the this restaurant that my boss & I usually have lunch at, we both ordered the set lunch menu which came with a bowl of soup. Guess what I found inside the soup when I had sipped 2 or 3 spoonful of it, a cockroach~!! I was so shocked! However, because my boss loves that restaurant (I don’t think he could live without eating there almost everyday), so we didn’t make a big fuss out of it. We complained to the manager & she quickly changed a different soup for us. I would have asked for a free lunch if my boss wasn’t there. What kind of cleanliness standard was that!!!
By the way, the name of the restaurant was Jin Sha Restaurant (金莎茶餐厅) located at The Exchange Tower (津汇广场), famous among the Hongkie, Singaporean & Malaysian expats. But with this horrifying experience, I don’t think I will be returning to this place anytime soon. Shit what a lousy place that I’d got myself into…

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