Siem Reap 119 – Preah Ko (Roluos Group of Three Temples)

After Lolei, we went to 2nd temple of the Roluos Group which was the Preah Ko (Khmer meaning, The Sacred Bull). It was the first Hindu temple to be built in the ancient and now defunct city of Hariharalaya (in the area that today is called Roluos), some 15km south-east of the main group of temples at Angkor, Siem Reap. It was a bigger temple than the earlier Lolei temple that we went. This temple consists of six brick towers face east arranged in two rows of three
towers each constructed on a sandstone platform. The front central tower is the tallest as you can see from my pictures below. Again, they were just brick towers to me and nothing much fascinating.
For more information: 
Can you see the bull statue lying in front of the temple?

I wonder what was it like to have not only just the door frame?

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