Siem Reap 120 – Bakong (Roluos Group of Three Temples)

Bakong was the last temple of the Roluos Group of Three Temples that we visited, also the last temple that we actually saw in Siem Reap before we headed home the next morning. The sky was so amazing with clear blue sky and big white clouds so I couldn’t stop taking pictures of the sky like those shown below. 
It’s a 5 level pyramids temple with a single highest tower on top, surrounded by moats. The temple is filled with different animal statues with the prominent lion guards at the stairs on the central pyramid and elephant statues around the corners. 

I thought Bakong was the most interesting out of the 3 temples we went that day and the clear blur sky with the amazing clouds as the backdrop made this temple look better than its usual day. Other than that, I was glad that my temple exploration for the past 3 days had finally came to and end, and I could go back to my concrete jungle filled with civilization…

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