Siem Reap 113 – Banteay Srei Temple

Located about over an hour drive from Pre Rup, Banteay Srei Temple is built largely of red sandstone with elaborate decorative wall carvings which are still observable today. The temple structures themselves are unusually miniature in scale, if compared to the standards of Angkorian construction. 
It was quite a bit of walking from the car park to temple, and it was already crowded when we got there. And it was at this temple that I was pushed and yelled by some unfriendly PRC tourists who just wanted to get their couple pictures taken without the consideration of other tourists. I hate those uncivilized people who don’t even have a slight decency for other people when they are traveling, PRC people sure make the top of the list for some of my rudest encounters with uncivilized people. Well with the unfortunate incident with the rude people aside, the temple was quite boring, probably it was extremely crowded and the sun was so hot hanging right above our heads. The wall carvings were indeed interesting but to me that was about it.   
Lotus pond

Pink Lotus

Paddy Field
Stone Carving on the entrance of the temple

Lot of tourist swamping the temple

Glimpse of the center court

Temple shot in HDR

Landmine Victims of Cambodia trying to raise money for awareness

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