Happy Dragon Year 2012~!

Happy Chinese New Year y’all~! It’s the year of the Dragon this year and according to some Feng Shui Master this year might not be a good year for the Dog (i.e. me), but I never give too much thought about what they have to say as we all have to make our own destiny somehow. Somehow being a Chinese allows one to reflect his/her life twice (at least) in a year, first one being the Western New Year on 1st Jan and the second one being the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year. I’m a lazy person but it does hit me every 1st Jan and Chinese New Year that I have so much things in life that I could improve on. Perhaps getting older does mean that I have less room to play with with life, and I’m turning the big 30 soon this year and I would had well spent more than a third of my life already. Hence, for the sake of better future, I’d to keep reminding myself that every new year should be the beginning of something better in life, one way or another, as the clock is ticking ticking ticking….. Tik Tok Tik Tok! 
Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year once again and may this new year be another auspicious year for all of you (including myself)! 

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