Seoul 108 – Korean Barbecue (고기구이)

This is probably the most expensive meal in my life, we spent about KRW190,000 (about MYR530) for a all you can eat Korean Barbecue near our hotel. There was a miscommunication actually when we ordered, we thought it was KRW80,000+ for 2 person but when the bill came it was double! Anyway the food was good nonetheless and the beef in Korea really tasted 10 times better than anywhere else. So my word of advice when ordering Korean Barbeque in Korea, “It’s not going to be cheap so check the price carefully before ordering!”
Getting Ready For Korean BBQ
Local Korean Cass Beer
Mini Pancake
Started BBQ-ing
Meat All Cooked
Second Round of Meat
Yummy Yummy
Korean Cold Noodle

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