Last Working Day In China

Today will mark the end of my 2 years working journey in China. Although part of me would still wants to continue to stay in China, but part of me is telling me that I should move on to a new journey… Tianjin is a really boring city although I always spend my weekends in Beijing. If given a choice, I’d choose to work & live in Beijing, but life always has a way to move one pass his/her own wants & needs. So I’m heading back home… for now at least…
I notice that my cycle of change is always about 2 years. I was at my last posting for 2 years before I came to Tianjin and I stayed here for 2 years. Things should have been quite difference back home now so I hope it had changed for the best.
Hence I should wish myself all the best embarking on the new journey although I still do not know what is installed ahead… Well God is always good therefore I should not be worried, instead I should always look out for another open window/door elsewhere after my 2 years life in China. I am totally excited to see what will happen next and where life will take me to next~! Speaking like a true Explorer of which I’m totally proud to be one.
Just gotta remind myself that life is good and the best has yet to come~! ^o^
P.S.Happy Chinese New Year y’all~!

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