Things I Hate About Tianjin…

  1. Grey sky all the time
  2. Bad fashion
  3. Overpriced shoes & dresses
  4. They blocked Facebook & Blogger & Youtube (applies to whole China)
  5. No chili padi serves in restaurants
  6. No chili sauce to go with my McD fries & KFC chicken
  7. People who always cut the queue (applies to whole China)
  8. People who smoke & spit everywhere (applies to whole China)
  9. The local attitudes are giving me headaches
  10. No medicine selling in Watson’s (I need my panadol~!)
  11. They cut my HBO channel
  12. CCTV programs are really bad
  13. No Pretzels Cheese & Cheddar flava
  14. Taxi drivers who love to take you the long way
  15. Abandoned buildings everywhere
  16. I cannot reload my mobile phone in a normal phone retail shop
  17. Movies are so expensive & sometimes dubbed with Chinese voice over
  18. Hate the chinese white alcohol
  19. …………………………
  20. …………………………

Many more to come….
To be continued………..

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