Wedding Bliss 102 – Thomas & Jacklyn

My friends Jacklyn and Thomas finally got hitched after 5 years of dating & courting. I’ve known the 2 of them since university times before they were an item. I’m glad that they had made it through all these years with a happy ending to their courtship and started their new life together as husband and wife. I joined Jacklyn’s entourage for the bridal retrieval session in Klang on a Saturday morning, and it was super fun making the guys running around with all the games. The wedding ceremony and reception at Tropicana Golf Club the following day was simple and lovely. I had a good time catching up with lots of long lost friends from university and church, and it did bring back lots of sweet memories of the good old days. How I miss those young & reckless day when things were so much more simpler and uncomplicated. Well life still goes on and more wedding bells ringing along the way…

Guys formed a heart shape to impress the bride

Key to the bride’s room hid in the block ice

Guys trying to melt the ice without using water (they used lighter instead)

At last the bride & the bridegroom made it out the room
A shot with the happy couple with old friends

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