Yay~! Finally I got my IPod touch updated to v2.1, which allows me to download applications from I-Tune Stores. It’s about time that Apple recognizes Malaysia as part of the I-Tune family since we have been left out all these years. I paid USD9.95 for the update and started downloading games and other free application, like IM+ (online messenger for MSN, Yahoo & many more), Facebook (social networking), Wikipanion (quick search on Wikipeia), Currency (latest currency updates), Sudoku (number game), Puzzloop (archade game), Funky Punch Lite (combat game), Dactyl (a game that uses your fingers to defuse bombs) and many other little application. Although it is still long way to go to become a mini PC, but for now my IPod is a little bit more powerful with the IM+ software which mean I can chat with my friends using the WIFI connection, apart from the normal web browsing by using Safari. I just simply love my IPod touch~!