Beijing 133 – Lunch That Was Overpriced

When we were at the Ming Tomb, we decided to have our lunch nearby before we headed to the Great Wall. Well, being tourist and less cautious, we were conned into ordering one dish that wasn’t on the menu and true enough we were slapped with one ridiculous price for that stupid chicken dish that cost RMB150. The whole lunch of 2 meats, 1 vege, 1 tou fu and 1 soup for 3 person turned out to cost us RMB300. So the lesson learnt was “NEVER ORDER OUT OF THE MENU!”. You gotta stick strictly on the menu when you are ordering from restaurants at the tourist spot, because who the heck will care if you ever return again since most likely you are not going to return to the same tourist spot twice.
Chicken That Cost Us RMB150
Hot & Spicy Soup
Spicy Tou Fu
Sweet & Sour Meat

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