Beijing 116 – Confucius Temple (孔庙.国子坚)

Confucius Temple (孔庙.国子坚) is a sacred place to honour the China’s great thinker & philosopher. Confucius is the Great Ancestor of my Mum’s family and I was proud to be able to visit the Confucius Temple and got to know him a lil better. Until today, a lot of students still visit the temple to pray for good results.

The street of Guo Zi Gian
Beijing Confucius Temple
Me & Confucius – The Great Ancestor of my Mum’s family
Me & Confucius – The Great Ancestor of my Mum’s family
Me at Confucius Temple Me at Confucius Temple
Me at Confucius Temple
Me at Confucius Temple
Inside Confucius Temple
Inside Confucius Temple
Inside Confucius Temple
Students Praying for Good Results at Confucius Temple

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