People Come & People Go – Part III

Another close peer of mine has resigned from the company yesterday. Sigh… it’s getting more & more depressing to hear resignation every other days. My group of management trainees started off 4 1/2 years ago in a pack of 10 person. Gone were the days where we all used to be so naive and innocent. We used to believe that the world is so good and people are no evil. Well after almost 5 years in the job, we all have learnt our lessons in life and grown a lil mature, perhaps care-less as well. 2 from my group already ventured into other greener pasture and 1 had resigned yesterday. I really wonder what is the world like outside of where I am now? Another bank called in today to check whether I’m interested to explore new position with them and I gladly sent my resume over. I’m still a little confused now whether I’m fully ready to move on but I must say that I’ve grown weary over the position of where I am now. Come what may! I want a change as well! Fingers crossed & wish me luck!

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