People Come & People Go – Part II

My sis and her boyfriend of 2 years had called it quit the other day. The reasons given were that the boy couldn’t accept the idea of being in a long distance relationship and perhaps he had fell for another gal.
As the world is getting smaller and people are getting more distance, what makes or breaks a relationship? Is physical distance really a stumbling block? or the emotional barrier that we slowly put up against the people that we thought we were in love with that causes the downfall? Do we really need another half to reaffirm our presence in this world? Are fairy tales really exist for those who are good? But everyone makes mistakes and everyone lies, then how does one define good people? I really wonder…
Every one’s journey in life is different and every one’s encounter with one person is different although many of us might cross paths along the way. You might meet a person who is truly evil at one point of time and another one meet the exact same person who has repented & changed at a later time. I guess timing plays a very important part in life. Do not blame or revenge the person that you have met at the wrong timing, because tomorrow is another new day and new people will come into your life and perhaps the timing will be alright.
By the way, do not blame me for all the positive words because deep down under I’m still an optimist though I get confused sometimes.
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