
Shopping Cart 117 – MNG Warehouse Outlet Sales

Last weekend I couldn’t help myself but went to Queen’s Park Cheras for check out a few warehouse outlets for bargain stuff. My 1st stop at MNG Warehouse Outlet was good as I spent longer time there to go through all the final reduction items and I bought the few items below. I loved a few other tops & dresses but too bad they had ran out of sizes. My favourite buy was the black belt cause it looked so cool with all my plain black dresses. Seems like the warehouse outlet was clearing all the old stocks to make room for new discounted items, which meant that the MNG Sales were just around the corner. I can’t wait for the MNG Sales…
Check out Queen’s Park Cheras’ location map at my previous blog entry:- and my previous shopping cart from MNG Warehouse Outlet:-

Queen’s Park Cheras

Queen’s Park Parking Entrance
MNG Warehouse Outlet
Inside MNG Warehouse Outlet

Inside MNG Warehouse Outlet

Inside MNG Warehouse Outlet

Silver Shawls for RM29
Belt for RM35

MNG Off Shoulder Dress for RM29

MNG Black Suit Dress for RM99

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  1. hello there..
    I went there this morning and found myself a nice looking blouse for only RM59..a satin black and white at its collar..nice-lah..thanks babe for the good info!!..

  2. i went 2 queen’s park 2day with my sis n couz aftr reading your blog..thx a lot 4 sharing, it was gr8 bargain indeed! wish zara also have such outlet here in KL 🙂

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