London 105 – Buckingham Palace, Victoria Memorial and The Mall

After Trafalgar Square, we walked through the Admiralty Arch down the Mall towards Buckingham Palace. The Mall is a road in the City of Westminster, London running from Buckingham Palace at its western end to Admiralty Arch and on to Trafalgar Square at its eastern end. The changing of guards at Buckingham Palace was on that day so we saw the marching band, guards on horseback, and the very big crowd in front of the Buckingham Palace as we walked the 1km long road. We couldn’t really squeezed ourselves to the front of the Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of guards first hand, only my iPhone managed to capture a few pictures through the gaps between the steel fence. We were still entertained nonetheless and glad to be part of this very English tradition in our little ways…. 
Admiralty Arch
Guards on Horseback 
Marching Band
 Queen Victoria Memorial
The very crowded Buckingham Palace

This was the inside peak through my iPhone…
Queen Victoria Memorial

Sister Gang in London

For my other post on London, click here.

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