
Bye Bye 2013

This post has been long overdue for over a month now… I had an idea on what I wanted to write towards the end of 2013 as I looked back the year… But things took an interesting turn in the 1st month of this new year hence my outlook had somewhat changed compared to a month ago… 
Well to begin with… 2013 wasn’t a great year for me overall… A few people that I cared/used to care moved on to different paths of lives and I sometimes wondered whether I’d done enough to keep these people in my life longer. The fact remains that people come and people go… Those who came left their footprints in my life and I cherish our times together… Good or bad… I wish them nothing but the best. There were few regrets but I guess those feelings will be better served as future guidance for new people to come… 
Work wise it was a challenging year with quite a few deals fell through or getting stuck… So it was sorta frustrating… This year will marked the 10th year that I’d first started working and being with the same organization. It didn’t feel like a very long time honestly speaking and I definitely had some fantastic moments in my career but I can’t shake the feeling of complacent out of my head. On the other hand, the uncertainty of changes does frighten me.. Should I step into the unknown? Do I really want it? I guess I should really put some serious thoughts into this soon.. Maybe… Maybe not…
Having said all that, there were happy moments. The best part of 2013 was my Japan trip in May 2013. It was really awesome that I finally got to visit the country that one point had so much influence on my teens. And Japan didn’t disappoint me at all and it was one of the best trip I had ever had! Will surely visit Japan again soon. I also went to Yogyakarta for the first time with my sis and it was really fun too… Not as fun as Japan but it was a relaxing trip nonetheless. Travel always make me a happy girl and I don’t think I’ll get enough of it~! 
Oh I also bought a new place with my sister too and I can’t wait to get the keys and start renovations and move in ASAP. My current place is showing signs of ageing after 8 years since I bought it. However, buying 2nd hand property is quite a pain in the a** as it’s been 6 months and we still haven’t sorted the final payment from the bank to the seller! I don’t think I’d ever nagged or scolded so many people just trying to make things move a little faster for this transaction. It is now at the final stage and hopefully I could get hold of the keys in less than 2 weeks time.. Fingers crossed! New home new place new neighbourhood probably will bring new changes to my life this year which I’m certainly looking forward to~! 
As for my new year’s resolutions this year which are pretty similar to the previous years… I hope to stay healthy and fit, continue to travel and explore new places, and perhaps actually to be able to build an exhilarating life with a special someone! 
Read Also  Life With The Unpleasant Surprise

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