Seoul 106 -Insadong ( 인사동/仁寺洞)

Insadong is in the Jongno-gu district of the South Korean city of Seoul. It contains a mixture of historical and modern atmosphere and is a unique area of Seoul that truly represents the cultural history of the nation. It is a street filled of culture and crafts. Stores in Insadong specialize in a wide variety of
goods that can only be purchased or appreciated in Korea, i.e. hanbok
(traditional clothing), hanji (traditional paper), traditional teas,
pottery, and folk crafts. 
We had a good time shopping for souvenirs, eating local delights and snacks, and walking around in the rain watching people. 
Korean Statues
Cute Coffee Shop Decor
Street of Insadong
Street of Insadong
Street of Insadong
Cool Shop
Interesting Signage
Must Go Place in Insadong – Ssamziegil
Street of Insadong
Street of Insadong
Souvenir Shop in Insadong
Only Starbucks Coffee in the World with Korean Signage

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