FlexibleLove™ Chair

I saw this YouTube clip some time ago in 2007 and I fell in love with this Taiwan innovation immediately. Although it is very expensive for a cardboard chair to seat 16 people at USD580 (about RM2,000), but one day if I had the extra cash to splurge I would buy this chair. Let’s say I’d love to do my bit to save our mother earth.
According to the official website, FlexibleLove™ experimental furniture incorporates an ‘accordion-like, honeycomb’ structure to create durable furniture pieces produced from widely-available, low-cost recycled materials. FlexibleLove™ furniture pieces, such as FlexibleLove 16™, are made wholly from recycled paper and wood products, and are produced using pre-existing manufacturing processes in order to reduce their overall impact on the environment.The name “FlexibleLove” was derived from the concept of a ‘flexible love-seat’ – seating that could hold from one to as many as sixteen individuals; changing length and shape with a simple pull at each end. A honeycomb structure, used throughout the entire FlexibleLove line, produces an accordion-like result that allows each piece to be extended and collapsed with ease.

For more info please check out http://www.flexiblelove.com/eng/

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