Apart from the shopping, I absolutely loved the Bangkok’s street food (except the fried insects). With a lil price starting from 30BHT (RM3), I could savour all the delicious food by the roadside. Some people said you can only truly see & learn a new country through the street food that the country is offering. Hence I took my chances and tried a few Thai foods that I couldn’t find in M’sia. Well, being a Buddhist country, pork is available everywhere in Bangkok, so I went on a pork eating spree throughout my stay in Bangkok. I also loved the Thai chicken rice because of the chili padi & vinegar sauce which was totally different from the normal chicken rice found in M’sia. Another street food that I’d recommend was the bitter gourd soup & chicken noodle at Section 21, Chatuchak Weekend Market. Although the portion is kinda small, but the soup is so tasty and I barely tasted the bitter gourd. The only thing that I missed this trip was the pork satay. Perhaps the next trip I’d get my pork satay again…