The Ancient/Old Cultural Street (天津古文化街) of Tianjin is one of the few major tourist spots in the city. The 580-metre-long Ancient Cultural Street is home to many Tianjin’s old traditions but now it is all commercial driven. It is in the north of the city and is actually a series of streets by the Haihe River, built in typical Qing style architecture.
When I was there over the weekend it was very crowded. Most of the stuff selling there are a lil overpriced in my personal opinion but it also depends on how good are you at bargaining. Stuff ranging from the famous Tianjin delicacies – 桂发祥十八街麻花, 果仁张,泥人张, to traditional Chinese Cheongsam, paintings, and many other Chinese stuff. It is also home to the famous Tian Hou Gong Temple (天后宫). The one thing that I enjoyed the most was the demonstration of making sugar candy that comes in many shapes like fish, eagles & many other animals shape.
Address : 天津南开区东北隅东门外