Shanghai Food For Thought 101 – Nan Xiang Man Tou Restaurant (南翔馒头店)

This restaurant located inside Shanghai Yu Yuan (上海豫园) is one of the most famous Shanghai Xiao Long Bao (上海小笼包) destination. The queue for take out at ground floor could go as long as few blocks. The interesting about this restaurant is the as you go up the floors, the price of the Xiao Long Bao will go up as well. So we went to the 2nd floor where we paid RMB25 for 6 Xiao Long Bao, instead of RMB 10-15 from the lower floors. The crowd wasn’t so bad at the odd time of 3.30pm and we paid RMB88 for 2 sets of Xiao Long Bao, few side dishes and tea for 2. Maybe I’ve ate too many Xiao Long Bao before in Malaysia, somehow I just don’t find it that great nor stand out here in Shanghai either.
Address/地址: 黄浦区豫园路85号(九曲桥旁)
Tel/电话: +86 21-63554206

Nan Xiang Man Tou Restaurant (南翔馒头店)

Nan Xiang Man Tou Restaurant (南翔馒头店)
Menu of Nan Xiang Man Tou Restaurant (南翔馒头店)
Coooks busy making Xiao Long Bao (小笼包)

Shanghai Xiao Long Bao (小笼包)

Side Dishes (蟹黄百玉卷&细纱酥饼)

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