GSC Gold Class One Utama & Tower Heist Movie Review

Over the long weekend last week, I went for the movie, Tower Heist at GSC One Utama. My friend decided to go Gold Class Ticket so we went for it. It had been a really long time since I last stepped into the Gold Class cinema. The leather seats looked as comfy as usual, though the room temperature was a lil warm.
Soon enough, the movie started. It was an alright movie by Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy. The cast were good but the story line was pretty predictable. Overall I’d say this movie was a ‘tolerable’ comedy with some funny punch line here and there, but really nothing special on the story line.

Update: My GSC Signature Gold class Review here >
GSC Gold Class Website:
Tower Heist Official Website:

Gold Class Movie Ticket – RM50 each on a weekend/public holiday


Comfy Leather Seats



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